A probably-incomplete list of books and short stories I read in 2020. I’d have expected a longer list, given COVID lockdowns, but then I’ve also been working a lot more than usual over the past several months. Most of the fiction was re-reads, as I haven’t seen much lately that appeals to me. There are also several books not listed that I grew bored with and gave up on – something I normally don’t do, but in each case the reading was a slog and was keeping me from reading something more interesting and useful.
- “Endurance”
- “Alone on the Ice”
- “Persuasion”
- Giants Series: “Inherit the Stars”
- Giants Series: “The Gentle Giants of Ganymede”
- Giants Series: “Giants’ Star”
- Frank Herbert, “Dune”
- Walter Tevis, “Mockingbird”
- Isaac Asimov, “Foundation”
- Niven and Pournelle, “The Mote in God’s Eye”
- H.P. Lovecraft, “The Case of Charles Dexter Ward”
- H.G. Wells, “Anticipations”
- Herodotus, “The Histories”
- Lawrence A. Rubin, “Bridging the Straits”
- “There Will Be War”, vol. 5
- “There Will Be War”, vol. 7
- “20 Master Plots and How to Build Them”
- Nassim Taleb, “Antifragile”
- “How to Talk So Your Kids Will Listen, How to Listen So Your Kids Will Talk”
- “Miss Manners Minds Your Business”
- Harvard Classics: “The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin”
- Harvard Classics: “Journal of John Woolman”
- Harvard Classics: “William Penn: Fruits of Solitude”
- Harvard Classics: Plato’s “The Apology,” “Crito,” “Phaedo”
- Dumitru Bacu, “The Anti-Humans”
- Clark Ashton Smith, “The Tale of Satampra Zeiros”
- “Collected Works of Robert E. Howard”, vol. 4:21
- Balmer and Wylie, “When Worlds Collide”/”After Worlds Collide”